Australia Events


National / State / International

Growing families conferences are a great opportunity to get together with likeminded friends from all around the country. Getting together with likeminded people, who have similar understanding or being raised by parents who strive towards Godly parenting results with great friendships that last forever. 

Nathan B.



With all the conflicting parenting “theories” and opinions that we are surrounded by on a daily basis, this Growing Families Australian Tour will be a great opportunity to focus and be encouraged to raise the next generation in His ways and for His glory. It’s a time to come together with likeminded people, sharing the passion of discipling our children to be lovers of Jesus and Kingdom builders. This event has the added blessing of sharing life together, whether young or old with likeminded families from all over Australia.

Growing Families Australian Tour 2023

Some Events were recorded please click below to watch/listen.




For local State events check out their facebook pages.



Families are encouraged to consider attending International Events to join up with other like-minded communities. Click here for more information.


We decided to do the Growing Families program because we saw children that we liked and asked them what they did, and they used Growing Families. My favourite thing right now is that playpen time means I can eat breakfast in peace.  

Júlia D.