Moral Contingency Training: Example 3 (MYV5-04S)
Wrong Words-Wrong Phrase-Wrong Message (MYV5-05S)
Robbing Your Children of the Joy of Serving (MYV5-06S)
Giving Your Children a God Identity (MYV5-07S)
How to Have the “Talk” With a Middle Years Child (MYV5-08S)
Introducing Technology to Your Children - Part One: General (MYV5-09S)
Introducing Technology to Your Children - Phones, Tablets, Internet (MYV5-10S)
Cyber Challenges Parents Should be Aware of: Part One (MYV5-11S)
Cyber Challenges Parents Should be Aware of: Part Two (MYV5-12S)
Cyber Threats and Reasonable Digital Protections for Children (MYV5-13S)
Cyber Threats and Reasonable Digital Protections for Children (MYV5-14S)
Gary EzzoSetting Internet Boundaries, Cyber Boundaries, Understanding Social Media Threats, Social Media and Emotional Threats, Dangers of Social Media on Children, How to Set Internet Boundaries, Phone Ethics, Phone Call Protocols, Texting and the Digital Revolution, Screen Time
How Do You Know You are Making a Right Decision for Your Middle Years and Adolescent Child? (MYV5-15S)