The Importance of Family Mealtimes (MYV3-04S)
Establishing Family Core Values (MYV3-05S)
Establishing and Maintaining Family Night (MYV3-06S)
Father’s Influence on Middle Years Daughters (MYV3-07S)
Different Genders, Different Communication Needs (MYV3-08S)
Introduction to Middle Years Training and Correction (MYV4-01S)
The Four Laws of Correction: Precept 1: (MYV4-02S)
The Four Laws of Correction: Precept 2 (MYV4-03S)
The Four Laws of Correction: Precept 3 (MYV4-04S)
The Four Laws of Correction: Precept 4 (MYV4-05S)
Proactive Training Strategies: Keep the Life Message in Front of Them (MYV4-06S)
Proactive Training Strategies: Principles of Basic Security (MYV4-07S)
Gary EzzoCouch Time, Couchtime, Secure child, Security Child, Middle Years Security, Count time, Couch time, couch time, couchtime, couch-time
Proactive Strategies: Date Your Middle Years Child (MYV4-08S)
Proactive Strategies: How to Raise a Responsible Child (MYV4-09S)
Proactive Strategies: Teaching Manners and the Civility Code (MYV4-10S)
Proactive Strategies: Last Influence of a Love Note (MYV4-11S)
Proactive Strategies: Teach Your Children to Look For a "Door of Escape" (MYV4-12S)
Moral Contingency Training: Introduction (MYV5-01S)
Moral Contingency Training: Example 1 (MYV5-02S)
Moral Contingency Training: Example 2 (MYV5-03S)