Preparation for the Toddler Years
12 Months - 18 Months
As a teacher by profession, curriculum scope and sequence is important to me. As a mom, I appreciate how Growing Families addresses child development at each growth phase, and then offers practical applications supporting my child’s learning experience.
Martha Y.
Overview of Course…
The developmental phase between twelve to eighteen months is a season of exchange: baby food is exchanged for table food; formula for whole milk; bottle for sippy cup; the highchair for a booster seat; feeding himself with his fingers replaced by a spoon and fork; babbling talk to speaking, and the first unsteady steps are taken over by strides of confidence. This four-part series can help any parent stay one step ahead of each transition.
It wasn’t until we attended our 1 year childbirth reunion that my husband and I realized the full value of your courses. The visible contrast in parenting outcomes could not have been more glaring. Thank you Gary and Anne Marie for not only getting us started on the right path, but keeping us there.
Michelle V.
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Access to the Preparation for the Toddler Years course and other Growing Families resources here.
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The Preparation for the Toddler Years course material can be streamed as independent topics or full-length sessions.
For more information click here.
Find A Class
Attending a Preparation for the Toddler Years online (or in-person) class provides the opportunity to learn from experience leaders who know the material and can guide parents to the success experienced by a global network of moms and dads.
YouTube Channel
Our Life Parenting Podcast, helps you, as parents, to create a life-giving home environment in which to guide, nurture, and train your children in a God honoring way.
Quick Reference Videos - Common Questions
So many great principles in this series, but the testimony of the couple who was learning to speaking life to their pretoddler spoke volumes to me. I never realized the power of my words until I listen to this Mom talk about her journey with something as simple as giving instructions to a one year old. What an amazing segment!
Tina K.
Ask A Question
The early days of parenting are filled with questions. We have experience Moms standing by ready to help.
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Additional Resources (charts, guides, posters, reminders) related to Preparation for the Toddler Years is easy to download.