Tips For Leaders


To Help You Lead Effectively

While each Leader will tailor their particular strengths to the unique needs of their class, there are some fundamental leadership principles common to all small groups. Exercising hospitality is the first. Creating a warm, receptive, non-judgmental environment where class members feel welcome and sufficiently comfortable to be active participants and not just spectators should be a priority for all class leaders. 

Training Audios / Encouragement / Growing Families Classes / Leading Online Classes / Leader’s Guides / FAQ’s / Ministering to Class Alumni / Connect with Other Leaders

Training Audio Sessions

Audio Tips From GFI Leadership Conference 2024


Rich & Julie Young - Introduction To Conference 2024

Gary & Anne Marie Ezzo - How Did It Start - What Beliefs Guided The Ministry

Geoff & Alica Bongers - Leader’s Resources


Rich & Julie Young - Table Talk Conversation

Erin Krause - Solo & Single Parenting - What Leaders Need To Know

Jeanine Andersson - Parenting Special Needs Children


Mac Lake Leadership Pipe Line

Gary Ezzo - What Are You Known For?

Ministry Update and Closing Thoughts



One tip… It is a fine balance between being a great example of following a biblical parenting framework, and being a poor example. If we only show and tell the wonderful things about our marriages and children, we can be discouraging to the those families (which is actually everyone in your class) who may be trying but not seeing instant results (because we know it takes time - weeks, months, even years). However, if we are too quick to draw attention to our failings, we can risk our class members feeling that hard work is not really worth it in the end. Remember then to be real, upfront and honest about your failings as well your successes, so that your families can learn how to respond when things go well, and when things take longer to fall into place. Remind them that everything is a process, and that there is no 'perfect family' at the end! ~~ Simone, Australia

We would encourage new leaders to include their own children in the ministry from as early on as possible. From helping set up the living room to helping bake something for supper, or greeting couples at the door or helping set up for an online course. Think ahead, and consider age appropriate ways you can be inclusive in your preparations, so your children regard this as their family ministry too and something they are proud to serve in.  ~~ Georgina, Australia

Online classes have been a game changer for some local families to participate in a class because they don’t need childcare.  Pursuing a relationship with couples builds trust to hear about the needs in their family.  For our online classes that have local parents, we host an in home potluck meal for one of the early classes (#2, 3, or 4) instead of a Zoom meeting that week, and ask couples to get babysitters for their children.  This allows couples to meet one another face-to-face, build relationship for class discussion time, and into community outside of class time.  We ask couples to bring a family picture that we keep on our coffee table as a reminder to pray for the families in our class.  I was able to get some of the pictures from FaceBook posts.  For our one international couple, we offered a separate 1:1 Zoom meeting to build that relationship.  We host another get together near the end of class at a time other than class time.  If the weather is supportive of an outdoor gathering, children are included.      ~~ Ed & Beth, USA


Growing Families Classes

For a detailed description of each course, please go to the Growing Families.Life Parenting Courses webpage.

A Class Flow Chart is here to help you understand the progression of classes:


Growing Families offers two class formats:

Online Class: Class participants stream each week’s video lesson online, and then at a set time, meet online with a Growing Families Leader to discuss the lesson.

Local Class: Class participants come together at a common venue* to discuss the lesson, having watched the video either prior to or during class time.

*Common Venue represent a variety of venues, including home, church facilities, community centers, schools or even a coffee shop.

Leader's Guides

Leader’s Guides are available for each course to help you facilitate your class. They have been put together for new or seasoned leaders and are available on the Resources page. This Introductory Guide below explains how to use the individual guides and provides suggestions to help lead a successful class.

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Size: 8.5 x 11

Size: A4

Updated 31 July 2019


Frequently Asked Questions

What types of classes does Growing Families offer?

Growing Families offers two class formats:

Online Class: Class participants stream each week’s video lesson online, and then at a set time, meet online with a Growing Families Leader to discuss the lesson.

Local Class: Class participants come together at a common venue* to discuss the lesson, having watched the video either prior to or during class time.

*Common Venue represent a variety of venues, including home, church facilities, community centers, schools or even a coffee shop.

Are there discussion prompts to help me lead a class discussion?

Yes, there are course specific leaders guides with discussion prompts relating to each lesson.

For example: Q: What are the best times in your weekly routine for couch-time? A: Use examples of different ways you do couch-time, such as ...  on a park bench while your children play, at the dinner table after a meal, with baby watching from a seat, etc. When doing couch-time with very young children, try to put them in a position to see you both together.  However, the most important thing is giving your undivided attention to each other. What other ways are there to demonstrate your love for each other in front of the children?

Where can I can find Resources, including Class Handouts for each class?

Posters, questionnaires, reminder cards etc are available for class participants to download here. There are also additional leader specific resources eg: email templates, leaders guides available there as well.

What happens if I get asked a question in class I don’t know the answer to?

Don’t worry if this happens, we have all been there and had this occur to us, humble yourself, admit you don’t know the answer and will come back to them next lesson (or before). Then email us and someone will be in contact with you to help you through this issue. You can also go to Growing Families Educational Services to Ask a Contact Mom.

Are there online forums, communities etc for my class participants to connect with?

Yes, we have a Growing Families.Life Facebook page. There are also global ministry hubs to run local and global events. These hubs provide various ways to connect to local communities. We also have a Growing Families Moms & Mums private Facebook group for moms to ask questions. We recommend leaders add class participants to this private group close to the end of their class. Questions are answered by the broader Growing Families community including Contact Moms.

How do you communicate with class participants between sessions?

You can engage class participants via a chat group using tools like Facebook, Messenger or WhatsApp.  Occasionally you can post a teaser question or case scenario. Post something when current events occur. Most of the time participants will post questions about the lesson in the chat where everyone including the class leader can respond.

What do I need to do to start an leading an online class?

Please go to the Leader’s Place Leading Online Classes page to find out more information and tips on how to lead an online class.

What is the difference between Parenting From the Tree of Life and Growing Kids God's Way?

One of the most common questions received from constituents looking to purchase Parenting from the Tree of Life is how it compares to Growing Kids God’s Way. Is one more in-depth then the other? The answer to that question is "No." However, the Life Series is far more comprehensive when it comes subject matter. It not only includes all the principle components of Growing Kids God's Way, but adds another 60% to 70% new and updated parenting concepts to the presentation. It is also more comprehensive in its use of imagery and examples. While Growing Kids has seventeen visual examples, the Life Series utilizes nearly 200 hundred images, graphics and visual examples to illustrate the principles taught.

A general structural contrast between the two courses is available, and a subject comparison and cross reference is also available.

How can I continue to keep encouraging the parents in our class after the class has ended?

One of the great strengths of the Growing Families ministry is the every present and growing class alumni. As ministry leaders understand, the completion of the course may signal the end a class, but not the relationships the grew out of the class. While a leader’s class-time influence may come to an end, their relational influence continues, and often for years. There are a variety of ways to encourage alumni relationships. Here are few Alumni ideas to help keep you connected.

What happens if I have a question not listed here?

For any questions relating to curriculum, unique class situations, and/or general class management assistance please email us and someone will be in contact with you.