The Toddlerhood Transition


18 Months - 36 Months


The Growing Families’ network of parents has giving us three wonderful gifts. Confidence, purpose, and a vision of what healthy family relationships can looks like, even with a toddler in the home.

Catharina P.


Overview of Course…

Toddlers have their own peculiar way. They begin speaking full sentences, laugh hilariously, show sudden food preferences, and learn to throw full tantrums. They are busy little people with an appetite for adventure, and curious minds ready to learn. Learning to manage a toddler's day is not an easy task, but it is an important one if a parent hopes to lay down a right foundation on which the rest of the child's life depends.

Find out more… 


Toddlerhood Transition was our first Growing Families course. After a few weeks of instruction we realized how much we had already missed by not taking the previous three classes. The Growing Families community was so supportive of newbies like us. They were patient, and always willing to answer our questions as we worked to catch up. Now, we have a vision for our parenting and the confidence to see it through. Thank you Growing Families.

Tim & Verna O.


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Access to The Toddlerhood Transition course and other Growing Families resources here.


Stream Course

The Toddlerhood Transition course material can be streamed as independent topics or full-length sessions.

For more information click here.

Independent Segments/Short Videos

Full Course Visits 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9


Find A Class

Attending The Toddlerhood Transition online (or in-person) class provides the opportunity to learn from experience leaders who know the material and can guide parents to the success experienced by a global network of moms and dads.


YouTube Channel

Our Life Parenting Podcast, helps you, as parents, to create a life-giving home environment in which to guide, nurture, and train your children in a God honoring way.


Quick Reference Videos - Common Questions

Journey of Fatherhood - The Meaning of the name “Dad”

Finding Reliable Advice For Parenting

Meaning of the Name “Mom”

Structuring Your Toddler’s Day Warnings

The Training To Education Transition With Toddlers

Toddlers And Parking Lot Safety

From the first word spoken to the last, what an adventure in learning! I come from a family of eight children and step into this class thinking I knew it all, only to learn (shamefully) how much I didn’t understand about fatherhood and the needs of my son. Better late then never!

Cecil M.


Ask A Question

The early days of parenting are filled with questions. We have experience Moms standing by ready to help.

Download Resources

Additional Resources (charts, guides, posters, reminders) related to The Toddlerhood Transition is easy to download.