Life in the Middle Years
8 Years - 12 Years
A friend encouraged me to stopped investigating parenting theories and starting looking to families that had the moral and relational outcomes I was hoping for. I found the Growing Families community. End of story.
Teeter W.
Overview of Course…
From a growth and developmental standpoint, the middle years is a period in which children begin the long process of metamorphosis. They are moving away from childhood dependencies, associations, and interests, and moving toward a self-reliance directed more and more by the beliefs and values of their home life. Life in the Middle Years brings the needed knowledge and understanding that can help any parent make wise training decisions during this critical phase of parenting.
Observing outcomes related to the Growing Families curriculum turned my practice upside down. I met some middle years kids that did not fit the grid of my university training or life experience. How could so many, well adjusted young adolescence come from such varied social, and economic backgrounds? I soon discovered the common link. These kids all came from homes whose parents interacted with the Growing Families courses. This is real medicine for an ailing society.
Cookie P.
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Access to the Life in the Middle Years course and more Growing Families resources here.
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The Life in the Middle Years course material can be streamed as independent topics or full-length sessions.
For more information click here.
Find A Class
Attending a Life in the Middle Years online (or in-person) class provides the opportunity to learn from experience leaders who know the material and can guide parents to the success experienced by a global network of moms and dads.
YouTube Channel
Our Life Parenting Podcast, helps you, as parents, to create a life-giving home environment in which to guide, nurture, and train your children in a God honoring way.
Quick Reference Videos - Common Questions
Prepared, equipped and hopeful! Three words describing how we feel about the upcoming teen years as a result of attending a “Life in the Middle Years” class. What a pleasure to sit under folks who actually know what they are talking about. No discouraging mumble jumbo, just sound practical advice. Thank you Youngs and Ezzos for the gift of understanding children.
Patrick O.
Ask A Question
The middle years days of parenting are filled with questions. We have experience Moms standing by ready to help.
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Additional Resources (charts, guides, posters, reminders) related to Life in the Middle Years is easy to download.