Parenting from the Tree of Life


Preschool - Early Teen


Your class was offered as an incentive to gain early parole from prison. I thought, “why not, I’m stuck here anyway.” I never expected the blessing that came my way. Your words changed my life when everyone else gave up on me. I grew up with words of death and now I’m coming out of prison touched by the message of life. I will soon be reunited with my children, and I now have the confidence that I can be the Mom, God always intended for me to be. Thank you Anne Marie and Gary, Rich and Julie.

Trina G.


Overview of Course…

The formation of a child’s heart, mind and character requires sensitivity, understanding and a life-giving environment. Parenting from the Tree of Life equips parents to deliver these moral qualities.

Part One: Life, Children and Relationships
Part Two: Life, Children and Character
Part Three: Life, Children, Encouragement and Correction

Find out more…


We join the chorus of voices that echo the same appreciation. Gary and Anne Marie, your life-giving message changed our world, saved our marriage, and renewed our family. A thousand thank yous and a thousand more still fall short of the heart felt appreciation for all that you have done for families around the world, especially ours.

Claudette & Mitch B.


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Access the Parenting from the Tree of Life course and other Growing Families resources here.


Stream Course

The Parenting from the Tree of Life course material can be streamed as independent topics or full-length sessions.

For more information click here.

Independent Segments/Short Videos

Full Course Visits 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17


Find A Class

Attending a Parenting from the Tree of Life online (or in-person) class provides the opportunity to learn from experience leaders who know the material and can guide parents to the success experienced by a global network of moms and dads.


YouTube Channel

Our Life Parenting Podcast, helps you, as parents, to create a life-giving home environment in which to guide, nurture, and train your children in a God honoring way.


Quick Reference Videos - Common Questions

Childhood: The Most Precious Time of Life

Do You Speak Words of Life or Death?

Marriage And Childhood Security

The Touch Signature Of A Father

The Potato Principle

Are You Listening To Me?

My wife and I did not come from a Life-giving home environment—we didn’t even know such a thing existed. Now, years later, we shudder to think what would have happened to our family if friends didn’t introduce us to your teaching. Our lives have changed. . . yes, forever they have changed for the good.

Kinny & Grace Z.


Ask A Question

The days of parenting are filled with questions. We have experience Moms standing by ready to help.

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Additional Resources (charts, guides, posters, reminders) related to Parenting from the Tree of Life is easy to download.