Preparation For Parenting
Birth - 6 Months
The Ezzos should trademark “happy and contented babies” as their brand. The results were as promised.
Geoff B.
Overview of Course…
Getting a baby to sleep through the night is not "rocket science." To the contrary, it is one of the most natural outcomes associated with a basic feed-wake-sleep routine. The results are consistent. Happy, healthy, contented babies, sleeping through the night on average between seven and nine weeks of age.
My husband and I followed the principles of PFP with our four children. Each one slept through the night by 8 weeks. No wonder this book is a global success.
Jessica T.
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The Preparation for Parenting course material can be streamed as independent topics or full-length sessions.
For more information click here.
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Attending a Preparation for Parenting online (or in-person) class provides the opportunity to learn from experience leaders who know the material and can guide parents to the success experienced by a global network of moms and dads.
YouTube Channel
Our Life Parenting Podcast, helps you, as parents, to create a life-giving home environment in which to guide, nurture, and train your children in a God honoring way.
Quick Reference Videos - Common Questions
I was at church holding a crying baby and everyone asked what is wrong with your son? They said that he never displayed so much tearful discontentment. Then they realized, I was holding someone else’s baby. Thank you Gary and Anne Marie for teaching us how to raise a happy and content baby.
Sharon N.
Ask A Question
The early days of parenting are filled with questions. We have experience Moms standing by ready to help.
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Additional Resources (Healthy Growth charts, guides, posters, reminders) related to Preparation for Parenting is easy to download.
Our History
Before Babywise dominated the infant market (1995), parents turned to Preparation For Parenting (1986). Today, the Ezzos’ feed-wake-sleep strategy has become synonymous with “babies sleeping through the night.”