Preparation for Parenting - Resources
The downloads available here include worksheets, handouts and posters that will be helpful in implementing the principles taught in the Parenting Videos. These resources come directly from the course material or seasoned leaders from all around the world. Class Leaders will find these tools helpful to facilitate the educational experience while promoting learning.
Tri-Fold Pamphlet
Class Flow Chart
Healthy Baby Growth Charts (Weeks 1-10)
Prep for Parenting - Visit 1
Reminder Card - Love
Reminder Card - Marriage
Reminder Card - B+g=W+H=S
Couch Time Record Cards
Who Will Do What - Expectation Worksheet
Download - as an interactive pdf
Homework Sheets - Visits 1-5
Prep for Parenting - Visit 2
Reminder Card - Ripple Effect
Reminder Card - Nighttime Sleep
Size: 8.5 x 11
Prep for Parenting - Visit 3
Reminder Card - Demand/Supply
Prep for Parenting - Visit 4
Healthy Baby Growth Charts (Weeks 1-10)
Reminder Card - Baby’s Cry
Sample Schedule Weeks 1-2
Sample Schedule Weeks 3-5
Sample Schedule Weeks 7-10
Sample Schedule Weeks 12-15
Sample Schedule Weeks 16-24
Sample Schedule Weeks 24-39
Sample Schedule Weeks 28-40
Sample Schedule Weeks 46-52
Prep for Parenting - Visit 5
Blanket Time
Playpen time
The downloadable Email Templates for both a Flipped and In-Home Class are ready for the convenience of our class leaders. These visit specific email templates allows leaders to edit and personalize the information to meet specific class needs or inform class members of upcoming events.
The templates typically include:
A short lesson review
Summary of the key take-aways
A guide to homework and reading assignments
Practical suggestions for teaching children the principles derived from each lesson.
Video links for the Visit and other relevant video segments
In addition to the suggested links, leaders can also direct their class participants to other video segments that can be viewed on the this website, under the “Parenting Videos” tab.
As a matter of copyright obligation, any additional video links that are not produced by Growing Families must be so noted in the email being sent out.
Local Group email templates are for those participants who will watch the video with you in your class and these emails will be sent after the class.
Flipped/Online Class email templates are for those participants who will watch the video before attending your class either in person or online.
Download Preparation for Parenting Email Templates Here*:
Welcome Local Group - Flipped/Online
Visits 1 - 5 Local Group - Flipped/Online
* Updated 25 January 2022
Leader’s Guides are available to help you facilitate your class. They have been put together for new or seasoned leaders. The course specific guide includes the following:
General Summaries
Key Principles
Suggested Class Outlines
Visit Summaries from Workbooks
Possible Discussion Topics - with notes to help you direct the discussion
Homework - Reading & Practical
Questions for Review - where included
Supplemental Resources
The Introductory Guide explains how to use the individual guides and provides suggestions to help lead a successful class.
Download Leader’s Guides Here:
Introduction to Leader’s Guides
Preparation for Parenting Leader’s Guide